Wednesday, September 19, 2012

On The Advice of Counsel...

I'VE STARTED THIS BLOG.  'Way to state the obvious, right?  For the past two years or so, I've used Facebook almost exclusively for decidedly topic-oriented discussion.  Rarely do I engage in the now-common posting of things such as what I had to eat or where I went at such-and-such a time on which whim.  I've had a habit of actually posting rather infrequently on my own accord, but of turning other people's posts - for better or worse - into often long and sometimes contentious "conversations" played out in the Comments Sections.  Thus, as I said, on the advice of counsel - counsel being my best friend Kevin - I'm launching this blog.

First, a little about me.  I go by JD Moores and I'm 33 years old, living and functioning with the rare congenital disease of Larsen's Syndrome. I'm unemployed, but for mostly financial reasons.  It's a long story, but basically, my "disability" inhibits my stamina so, with its lower pay and lack of benefits, I've learned from experience that most of the part-time jobs I could get would be counterproductive and actually saddle me with MORE expense and LESS money.  Still, I'm fairly educated, with a degree in Communications, and both a published writer and an indie writer/producer of short films (mostly digital, no-budget).  I'm NOT content to just sit around and live on the government without giving anything back, so I'm about to (as of now, September 18, 2012) start a crowdfunding campaign to help launch the Woodlane Channel - a channel, basically, on BlipTV and/or YouTube that will start with a short film and continue with at least one, rather ambitious, professionally-made web series entitled The Pilots' Lounge

Again, The Pilots' Lounge will be the first series and will center around a young, private aviator and flight instructor named Albert McNeil in the years just after 9/11 and, in format, will be a sort of sitcom-soap hybrid, roughly 20-25 minutes per episode... long for most "webisodes," but still shorter than the episodes for the fan-made Star Trek shows that have been going for years now.  You can begin to get a better idea of all this by going to these sites -, for my company Woodlane Enterprises, and, tentatively for the web series.  Ultimately, the Internet provides what has always been exceedingly difficult for independent and low-budget filmmakers to get: Promotional EXPOSURE and DISTRIBUTION.  Given these things, the Internet can be used by filmmakers and producers, like myself, to hopefully establish reputations that can be built upon in the future.  Drawing upon the interactive nature of this medium will hopefully be the Woodlane Executive Producers' Group (, a club whose members pay either a monthly or yearly fee to not only get production updates and promotional gifts, but collective producer credit on every production that benefits from their membership (see web site above). 

As far as this blog goes, well... at the moment, anything goes, but my two main interests are the entertainment industry and the political arena, which rather conveniently intersect more often than not.  So, I figure I'll split my time here between analyses and pontification on both of those topics, combining the two when and where relevant and feasible.  For the record, I'm a registered Republican and, in my personal life, I tend to be pretty conservative, but I think... I hope... that you'll find that more often than not, I strive to recognize and acknowledge both sides of most any issue and do not reserve either my criticism or my praise for one side or the other.  Although I am decidedly in favor of the right's idealogy of self-discipline and self-reliance and its encouragement of faith-based morality, I recognize that too few of the so-called representatives actually embody what their party of choice should and/or claims to represent.  Both parties have undergone changes at various times in their 150+ years together (the Republicans were an offshoot of the Whigs, beginning really with President Lincoln) and many of those changes seem to have been pretty extreme of late, at least since the mid-to-late 1970's. 

In conclusion, I was going to repost something I put on Facebook today, but I think this is enough for the first blog.  Hopefully, the rest won't seem quite so formal or agenda-driven.  Either way, I hope you enjoy what you see (whether you always agree with it or not) and return often.

JD Moores...

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I HATE censorship on principle, so all I ask is that if you decide to vehemently disagree with and challenge me, please endeavor to do so in as civil and specific a manner as possible, citing examples (if not always sources) to back up your claims. Other than that... have fun! Thanks. - JD...